Sunday, July 28, 2013

Latest drawings of Free-MoN Ship Channel Module

And, to assist in understanding the twice around double-track nature of the Free-MoN modules with end pieces for stand-alone operation, the following is a track plan with closely spaced lines separated for ease in following.

I hope I have made it clear that the above track plan is not the way I expect to build it.  Also, the horizontal lines above and below are part of the frame not part of the track plan.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Fuel Delivery Module at Northwest Crossing is nearly finished.

Here are the latest pictures taken on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0:

Track Plans by WinRail 11.0, Paint.NET, and Google Earth

I like pictures of every type: oil paintings, pencil sketches, photographs, computer drawings, and engineering design drawings, to name only a few.  In particular, I can spend hours looking at photographs and drawings of models and that which is modeled, both natural and man-made - whether such a distinction is valid or not.  In this blog I will post track plans drawn by WinRail and Paint.NET and photographs taken by myself and a few friends and, of course, by Google Earth.